With a specialty in Consumer Tech, B-to-B, Cloud, Enterprise Software, Financial, Health & Wellness, Real Estate and Video Games, AboutFace delivers content-focused campaigns that get results. Richard Krueger wrote the book on content marketing and social media, literally. The Agency helps companies create original, compelling and engaging content, and develops a paid/owned/shared social distribution strategy to amplify and get it in front of the right audience.
Keep it Simple
Good content marketing is the art and science of helping people make better decisions, while falling in love with your brand. The best content marketers make complex things super simple.
Why Content Works
What's Your Story
Content marketing works because our brains are programmed for stories. When we hear a great story, activity in our brain increases five-fold. As such, we retain much more information through stories.
Your brand has a story to tell, and AboutFace has the know-how to help make sure it’s told and delivered in the right way, to the right audience. We help our clients tell their story better. That's our story. What's yours?